Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day one Rome

Wow, what a day! I'm so blown away with all that I have seen. Today has been a mixture of awe inspiring works, both art and architecturally, and hilarious moments that have made today that bit more special.

We visited the Vatican museum, St. Peter's basilica, Sistine chapel, Spanish Steps, Trivi fountain, pantheon, and the Piazza navona. We walked, bussed and trained. But that not the best bit....
We saw dancing nuns, had hilarious conversations with Italian speakers on the bus (no one understood the other - Desma and Nelle are pretty sure one person asked us if we knew a Mr JohnManolo as supposedly everyone who lives in Australia comes from Sidney and must know John Manolo..) we then missed our stop and had to walk for ages ...

so many seats waiting to be filled to see the pope at mass. (the que to see inside the basilica was over 2.5 hours long!!! we just visited the museum and Sistene Chapel..I am glad as it gets hot in a handbag!)

We also found the only toilets in Italy (not really but it seemed like it at the time) that you don't have to pay for! So we made good use of them.... But I must say girls take way too long.... I as was almost pushing zzzz's!

Getting up to mischief while awaiting the girls from the loo. The Vatican has its own postcode!!!

Inside the Vatican Museum ..the frescoes were Amazing!

Oil lamps from early Christain era.

The view to the back of the basillica from the Museum.

Dancing NUNS!!! who would have thought!! They appared to be holding a Street Mission next to the spanish steps. Good on them I say!

Dessi and Nelle at the Steps... they didnt climb them due to the crouds ... at least thats what they said.. I know the truth ... they were thinking of my little legs climbing all that way!!

An invisible man!! Expect the unexpected in Italia!!!

Me at the Spanish Steps!

Desma has also learnt that a Red Cross like this X still means "no!" And a green tick is yes- even on the other side of the world..... Needless to say many giggles were had.

Nelle and I through coins into the fountain so now we have to come back! Desma didn't through some she has been here before.

We had ice creams or Galatia.... I made a new friend but I still didn't get any to share....

A saw some interesting acts in the piazza novona.....

And watched some old ruins go past our window in the bus!

So all in all a lot has been achieved today...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Melbourne - Dubai - Italy

A few tears were shed going though the big doors at tullamarine... Husbands gone in a matter of three weeks!! It's a good thing the girls had me to keep them focused in the task at hand... And might I say, the goodbyes could've cost so much more.... Who would have thought that taking a selfie with my girls could cost $5000.00? Good thing the guard was nice and gave the girls a warning. I'm not too sure if I'm over thinking it... But I got the distinct impression he was ignoring me.

Talk about long flight! 14 hour flight of which only the last 20 mins had any form of light.... In all seriousness, it was the longest night I have EVER had. Things I have learnt so far.... Eye masks are effective..... And Nelle can't speak softly... Hmm... I will have to keep an eye on this!

The food was awesome, I mean, they kept fresh fruit baskets in the galley (which was right around the corner) and we could help ourselves as much as we liked.

While Desma slept and Nelle watched NCIS, Big Bang Theory and the Disney channel, I watched people.... I noticed that the all important social rules about personal space a broken the moment you step on a plane... I mean.. Where else do you Wake up to having someone else's morning breath puffing into your face... Oh and that's before you know their names. Then there are those funny routines ...those who moisturise on the hour, every hour. The lady in the pink top who would do laps of the plane until her 'specific' toilet became available. Oh what fun to watch others!

Landing in Italy was great... The best news all day. Rome is really busy. The seems to be no rhyme or reason to the traffic, but people still seem to get around. A place where modern, renaissance and anchoring buildings merge and intermingle together.

Anyway.. Sleep time now... Good night!

Monday, September 23, 2013

plans and preparations

Its three days before our journey truly starts.. and yet so much work has been done. Desma has planned, panicked and purchased, while Nelle and I, (Luigi Pierre) have pre-viewed, procrastinated and ..... finally..... packed.

It took the two girls a little while to realise that for such a journey, a personal tour guide and porter would be required, and I, of course made myself available.

I am sure it will be quite an experience, traveling with Margie's girls. Even now I can see the difference! Girls and their packing!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Our Journey Begins!

Once upon a time, there was a wonderful grandmother who gave so much of herself to others. Now although her earthly journey is over, and is with her Father in heaven, her giving does not end. This is a story of her making. One daughter, one grand daughter and their friend Luigi Pierre, who endeavours to make their journey one to remember.